DIY is the next big thing!
It is eco-friendly, challenging, and it is awesome. Drawing imaginative lines on the cloud is so possible today (speaking metaphorically), all you have to do gather the empty unused items around your home and build a castle out of it. Today we are not talking about castles, but the most common by product of soft drinks and its availability in abundance. Plastic bottles can be shaped into numerous things and if you let the horses set free who know you end up making a sports car out of it. Till the time you come up with an idea and execution plans for building a sports car, let us go through something easy and can be done in a matter of minutes:
1. Plastic Bottle Supply Cups:
Be the man who takes the different road and thinks of the environment. DIY does not means cheap but can be as classy as you want. Pickup the bottle cut the neck or 1/4th of its height and put an iron over it to get soft edges. Stitch chain zipper on the edges and make a superb supply cup of desired size.
2. Coffee Creamer Containers:
Coffees are the life saver when you are in stress or need more time to work at night, but you can make the containers containing coffees to help you out. You can reuse plastic coffee creamer bottles and make it a snack storage container. It will make the pouring easy, and would allow you to take all types of food for the road trip. It can also be used to store salt and sugars.
3. DIY Plastic Bottle Planter:
“The pot with a cat face”. Oh yes, you can make it, and it is just a simple paint work which can be done at home it-self with not much use of tools.
1. Cut out the bottom like one third of a 2-liter bottle.
2. Apply paint on the bottle with white or the color of your choice.
3. Use the remaining parts of the rest of the bottle to cut out ears.
4. Start drawing a face and other features on the bottle.
5. Fill in the bottle with desired seeds, manure and soil.
Turn any 2 litre plastic bottle into something which everyone will adore.
4. Laundry Detergent Bottles into a Watering Can:
Why to pay for the watering cans? Make sure you have kept the empty laundry detergent containers in the backyard. Simply drill or punch some holes in the cap and there you go with a brand new watering can. You have the full liberty to remove the stickers on the bottle to avoid your neighbours thinking you pouring detergent on the plants.
5. Herb Garden with an Empty 2-Liter Bottle:
This project can make you the CAPTAIN PLANET, as nothing more herbal and greener can be done with the empty bottles. You can satisfy you eco soul as well the environment with this initiative. In any way the project where the empty bottles are been used for the irrigation of small plants, this calls for the cheers to herbal army. Follow the steps to do to erect a herbal garden from a recycled bottle:
1. Let us remove the label from the bottle and clean it from inside.
2. Then take a sharp knife like object and poke or puncture drainage holes on the top third of the bottles.
3. Poke or punch a hole on the side of the bottles, near about half-way down.
4. Now wrap a piece of paper around it.
5. Now take a marker and trace the cutting line around it.
6. Now let us cut along the bottle on the line.
7. Flip over the bottle top and then insert a strip of fabric.
8. You will have to make sure the fabric stays in contact with the soil.
Which one is your favourite? Let us know in the comment section below!